The electricity price index for the BASE period on Ukraine’s Day-Ahead Market (DAM) in February 2025 stands at 5,872.87 UAH/MWh. The weighted average electricity purchase-sale price on the DAM for this period is 6,042.08 UAH/MWh, while the weighted average price of accepted electricity on the Intraday Market (IDM) is 6,531.23 UAH/MWh.
Trading volume on the Day-Ahead Market increased by 13.25%, while on the Intraday Market, it rose by 3.43%. In total, 3,153,297.4 MWh was accepted across both market segments in February 2025. On the DAM, demand grew by 13.78% compared to January, while supply increased by 1.45%. On the IDM, demand rose by 4.27%, while supply decreased by 13.83%.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
Find more details on DAM and IDM performance in the interactive report by Market Operator JSC for February 2025.
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