A tariff for electricity purchase and sale transactions on the day-ahead market and the intraday market will be set at the level of 7,61UAH/MWh (net of VAT) from January 01, 2023. The relevant decision has been adopted today by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission.
The fixed payment for using the Market Operator`s software will be UAH 3 831,66 (net of VAT) from January 01, 2023.
We should remind that the fixed payment for the DAM/IDM participation is a targeted monthly payment for services support and for using the Market Operator`s software. At the same time, the payment for electricity purchase and sale transactions on the DAM and IDM is paid daily by electricity buyers and sellers based on the auctions results. Its value depends on the DAM/IDM volumes of electricity purchase and sale, as well as the purchase and sale transactions tariff on the DAM/IDM which is approved by the NEURC.